Is Your E-Commerce Shop Hurting Your Sales?


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Is Your E-Commerce Shop Hurting Your Sales?

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E-commerce shops are a dime a dozen. There are literally thousands of them out there. If you are in the e-commerce business, then you know how difficult it can be to stand out. To be successful takes more than having a website, a good product, and advertising. You need to invest in your website design. Consider if your website has any of these common problems.

Hard to Navigate

In order to get customers to buy your products, you need the purchasing process to be streamlined. Nothing that is not absolutely necessary should distract your customer from placing an item in their cart and purchasing it. The less time the purchase takes, the more likely you are to secure a sale.

If your website is difficult to navigate, you run the risk of giving your customers time to reconsider. Besides having easy navigation menus, you also need to plan how you display information. You should use the “F” principle so that customers can easily locate the information that they are seeking.

What the Customer Wants

Running a successful business boils down to one principle. You need to know what your customer wants and give it to them. The customer experience can be a challenge to get right, and while there are ways to improve it, there is no one size fits all solution for every potential customer. That is why so many e-commerce sites are investing in data tracking and artificial intelligence. By tracking data, you can learn a lot about the behavior of customers visiting your website. You can then use artificial intelligence to apply this data to improve your customers’ experience. For example, if you learn that a certain customer prefers the colors blue and green, artificial intelligence can display blue and green products before others.

Bad Reviews

Reviews are extremely important for ecommerce. If your shop has bad reviews, it is going to be extremely difficult to secure new sales. Unfortunately, you can’t just eliminate reviews. An unreviewed site is seen with just as much skepticism as one with bad reviews. There are a few things you can do to reduce the effect of bad reviews. First, get more good reviews. You probably have many satisfied customers that never gave you reviews. Reach out to them and offer rewards points in exchange for a review. Second, respond. When a customer sees that you responded appropriately to a bad review, they will know that you care about your customers. This will increase their willingness to purchase from your site. However, it’s also good to remember that sometimes bad reviews can do a lot of positive things for your business, depending on how you respond to them.

If you’ve recognized any of these problems in your own site, then you have work to do. The sooner that you can fix these issues, the sooner your profits are going to start increasing. Your website needs to be a place where your customers feel like they are receiving quality service, just like they would receive in a brick and mortar store.

If your sales are hurting, you might need some extra help to get them back up. That’s where we can help! Contact us so we can help you make a great marketing plan to achieve your goals.

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