Chasing Leads is Dead!

Unlock Growth and Freedom with Law Firm Acceleration™

Exclusive practice expansion program for law firms, delivering signed retainers!

Transform Your Client Acquisition

Eliminate lead-chasing with Law Firm Acceleration™. We deliver signed cases so you can focus on practicing law and serving clients without marketing hassles.

Comprehensive Solution

Our system includes targeted ads, optimized landing pages, and automated follow-ups. We handle every detail from lead capture to contract signing, ensuring efficiency.

Dedicated Acquisitions Team

Benefit from our expert team: marketing pros, a follow-up concierge, and skilled closers. Each member works to bring you high-quality clients ready to engage with your firm.

Guaranteed Positive ROI

Enjoy reliable client acquisition with our ROI guarantee. We ensure consistent growth and protect your investment, giving you steady results and peace of mind.

America's Fastest Growing Legal Marketing Agency

Ranking #321 on Americas 5000 Fastest-Growing Companies list, our Legal Marketing Agency is leading the way in 2023 as the top Legal Marketing service.

Don't take our word for it...

Hear from NETFLY'S clients:

T. Catherine Miller

Dan Desario

Michael Busby

Busby & Associates

Domestic Violence Legal Center

Law & Mediation Offices of Dan Desario

"I'm definitely happy, yes. I've grown from one office in Newport Beach to a 4-office practice across north and southern California in 5 years with NetFly's help."

"This has been fantastic for me financially. Doing things turnkey this way makes all the sense in the world. I've told multiple friends to join. I'm staying with NetFly until I retire or die!"

"We have been very successful working with NetFly over the past few years. It's our highest-closing source and we have not had to increase our budget since we started."

Sounds Interesting?

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